The history of Los Angeles is the history of real estate. Charles Dunn Company has been building its future since 1921. We teamed up with them to market an architecturally significant portfolio of meticulously restored landmarks of the Art Deco Movement. They contained the ambiance of a golden age when architects and designers reflected their optimism. We created cross platform sales presentations, collateral and a micro-website that portrayed all the granular details of this $200 million project to hard boiled prospective buyers.

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TbulletIn the age of smart phones and wireless computing, it is remarkable these landmark properties of the American Art Deco Movement were renewed for future generations. Eleven finest examples of multifamily buildings created by Los Angeles early twentieth century’s most famous architects. All the original Art Deco details were faithfully restored and we conveyed all that work in our campaign to a remote global audience. Our work was smart, worked across platforms and devices and was easy to use by all stakeholders.

We offer an alternative to multiple agencies, complex services, and expensive infrastructure for leading-edge digital marketing.

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