The BLAIRCOMM forums are password protected support areas for our Automated Marketing clients. In order to post or comment in this forum, you first need to have an account. All BLAIRCOMM Automation clients are issued login credentials for the private forums. Once logged in you will see them. Please contact your account manager to obtain login credentials to your support forum.
These forums are repositories of information for all users to benefit from. You can search the forums for an answer before you post to see if your question has already been answered. If you cannot find a related issue, please create a new topic. There is a form that states: “Create a new topic…” Be very brief and specific in your title, input your questions in the text box, add related topic tags—i.e. a word or two so that the subject can be searched—and finally select the checkbox to “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” and click “Submit.” The notifications will go to the owner of the login, in the case of a sales team login the email associated with that team. If you want personal responses, please include your personal email in the text box along with your questions.
Your questions will be responded to quickly and the issue will remain active until resolved. If there are any problems using the forum, please use the “Contact us for help…” button and send an email; we will help you out right away. To review some frequently asked questions click this link: Forum FAQ

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